Nigel Songhurst

Ride For a Reason

My Activity Tracking


My target 0kms

I'm Riding for a reason in 2024

I am dedicated to raisng funds to support the many South Australians impacted by cancer. 

With 1 in 2 Australians diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85, we all have our reason to ride. What’s yours?

Will you help me to help others? Donate to support  as all the money raised through Ride for a Reason supports the work of Cancer Council SA.

My Achievements

Changed Pic

Shared Page

Self Donation

Reached $ Target

Reached my ride goal

10 Donations

Jersey – Raised $500

Raised $1500

Thank you to my Sponsors



Nigel , you are a legend.


Romana And Geoff Davis


Michael & Dianne Willoughby


Sur Heinemann


Andrew Smith


Graham And Gay Stoodley


Nigel Songhurst