Michele Bryant

Ride For a Reason

My Activity Tracking


My target 150kms

I'm Riding for a reason in 2024

I am dedicated to riding as many km’s as I can in memory of the friends and family,My brother in law Greg and also to support the many friends currently battling cancer. 

With 1 in 2 Australians diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85, we all have our reason to ride. What’s yours?

Will you help me make every K count? Donate to support my ride as all the money raised through Ride for a Reason supports the work of Cancer Council SA.

My Achievements

Changed Pic

Shared Page

Self Donation

Reached $ Target

Reached my ride goal

10 Donations

Jersey – Raised $500

Raised $1500

Thank you to my Sponsors


Michele Bryant


Frosty Flats






Nisha Bryant


Annette Perry


Sharon Smith

My hero xx


Carl Nevin


Sandra Beveridge


Cate N Jeff

Go you! Great cause ❤️


Karen W




Helen Peter