Max Rocca

Ride For a Reason

My Activity Tracking


My target 100kms

We’re Riding for a reason in 2025

We’re dedicated to riding as many Ks as we can to support the many South Australians impacted by cancer.

With around 1 in 2 Australians diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85, we all have our reason to ride. What’s yours? 

Will you help us make every K count? Donate to support our ride as all the money raised through Ride for a reason supports the work of Cancer Council SA. 

My Achievements

Changed Pic

Shared Page

Self Donation

Reached $ Target

Reached my ride goal

10 Donations

Raised $1500

My Updates

100 k's for Cancer!

Sunday 9th Feb
What a rockstar welcome we had to the 100 k's for cancer ride today! Everyone cheered as we rode through the Cancer Council arch which made us feel so proud. We met Will McDonald and Pat Jonker, then Carol from Cancer Council SA took us for a ride around Linear Park, adding another 5km to our distance tally. Thank you to Cancer Council SA for putting on a fabulous event!

I did it!

Monday 20th Jan
I did it! I'm so excited to have met the distance challenge and the fundraising target. Thank you to everyone who supported my journey!

Saturday 18 January

Sunday 19th Jan
We rode the streets of Adelaide in the Santos Tour Down Under Family Ride. It was so fun to follow the pedals of the professionals!

Friday 17 January

Friday 17th Jan
Found a dirt bike track on today's ride!

Tuesday 14 January

Wednesday 15th Jan
A short family ride in my cool new jersey!

Saturday 11 January

Saturday 11th Jan
I was really looking forward to todays ride with my mates. We rode as a team along linear park - stopping for water breaks to make sure we stayed hydrated, and for more ice cream too!

Friday 10 January

Saturday 11th Jan
A ride to Grammy and Grumpy's house to drop my brother off for the day. We rode home along linear park and really clocked up the kms!

Wednesday 8 January

Saturday 11th Jan
Beautiful day for a ride! I’ve inspired my brother to do ride for a reason too, so he came with us today as well!

Saturday 4th January

Saturday 11th Jan

A short ride today to see friends- every pedal counts, right?!

Thursday 2 January

Saturday 11th Jan
A beautiful sunny day for a ride from Grange to Glenelg and back again for some icecream!

Wednesday 1 January

Saturday 11th Jan
An epic start to our Ride for a Reason challenge with a 12km ride past the Velodrome.

The Challenge Begins

Saturday 11th Jan
When we heard Ride for a Reason was back in 2025, we knew we wanted to join. It will be the 3rd time we’ve done the challenge. This time we asked some mates to join us as part of a team- ‘KidCrew’! We’ll blog about our team rides on our team page - so be sure to have a look at that too. We’re planning some great rides together, and will also do some on our own with our families.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Grammy And Grumpy

Have fun and enjoy the ride


Matt, Sarah & Ari

Great work Max. We are very proud of you.


Mum And Dad

You’re an amazing little human Max- keep cycling and having fun with your mates 🙂


Poppi & Nonni Rocca

Awesome Max, keep the good work up and enjoy


Harper Family


Loz And Joe

Congrats buddy, great effort and well done


Alf Vassal